SR-22 auto insurance is often required if you are prone to accidents, or if you’ve received a ticket for driving under the influence (DUI). Remaining compliant with the requirements of SR-22 insurance doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking experience. Instead, with a little diligence, you can remain compliant with your state’s SR-22 laws.
Don’t Become a Repeat Offender
Like any court violation, being a repeat offender means you will likely be subject to a harsher punishment the second time around. Violating your SR-22 requirement with the same infraction that led to you having the certificate may also lead to tougher punishment, like losing your license. Whether you were driving without car insurance or you were driving under the influence, do not commit the same infraction under your SR-22. In fact, it’s in your best interest to drive safer than you drove before getting your SR-22 certificate.
Don’t Allow Your Insurance to Lapse
When you own a car, you are required to maintain insurance. Although the limits and coverage options vary with each state, you may be subject to fines if you don’t maintain the coverage that’s required of you. Since your SR-22 certificate is connected to your auto insurance, you have to ensure that you maintain continuous coverage; otherwise, you jeopardize your ability to continue driving.
Remain Complaint When You Don’t Own a Vehicle
You can be required to have an SR-22 certificate even if you don’t own a car. If you fit in this category, you still have to maintain SR-22 insurance. In order to remain complaint, you must purchase a policy that is typically called non-owners SR-22 insurance from your insurance provider. Much like the requirements for car owners, you will be required to maintain continuous auto insurance in order to fulfill the requirements of the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
To prevent your license from being suspended, all states require a few simple terms, including driving safe on the roads. With a certificate securely attached to your insurance record, follow the legal requirements mandated by your DMV in order to retain the ability to drive.
How much do you know about your coverage? Call Auto Insurance Express at (417) 206-3733 for more information on car insurance Springfield MO.